
ConfigureWhatsApptoBackuptoiCloud.ThefirstthingyouneedtodoisensurethatyouarebackingupyourWhatsAppmediatoiCloudinthe ...,CheckthatiCloudDriveisturnedonforWhatsApp.Ifitis,turnitoffandthenbackonagain.GotoiPhoneSettings>tapyourname>iCloud>iCloudDrive> ...,HiIwanttodeletetheiCloudbackupofmywhatsappchathistoryONLY,butnottheactualwhatsappapplicationdatathatisstoredonmymobile.,Ifyouwanttob...

Backing Up WhatsApp Media From iCloud

Configure WhatsApp to Backup to iCloud. The first thing you need to do is ensure that you are backing up your WhatsApp media to iCloud in the ...

Can't back up or restore your chat history

Check that iCloud Drive is turned on for WhatsApp. If it is, turn it off and then back on again. Go to iPhone Settings > tap your name > iCloud > iCloud Drive > ...

Delete Whatsapp backup from iCloud

Hi I want to delete the iCloud backup of my whatsapp chat history ONLY, but not the actual whatsapp application data that is stored on my mobile.

Does iCloud include Whatsapp in its backup?

If you want to backup your conversation history and media, you need to go into app settings itself and schedule a backup (daily, weekly,…).

How to back up your chat history

To back up chats to your iCloud account: Tap WhatsApp Settings. Tap Chats > Chat backup. Tap Auto backup and choose your backup frequency.


With end-to-end encrypted backup, you can protect your chat backup on iCloud or Google Drive. When you register a phone number on WhatsApp Messenger or the ...

WhatsApp 備份:簡單還原對話/卡住教學!

打開iPhone 的「設定」 · 點擊你的Apple ID,然後選擇「iCloud」 · 確認你已經登入iCloud 帳戶 · 向下滾動,找到「WhatsApp」,向右滑動灰色鍵至綠色. WhatsApp 備份及還原:iPhone... · 從Android WhatsApp 備份還原...

Why is WhatsApp backing up in iCloud?

The WhatsApp in the backup is for WhatsApp settings, such as your WhatsApp contact list and other settings. It does not contain message threads.

【WhatsApp Backup 教學2025】5 分鐘搞定iPhone WhatsApp 備份

步驟1:在你的手機打開「設定」> 點選最上面「Apple ID」欄目> 點開iCloud。在列表中找到WhatsApp並允許iCloud進行存取。接著,你就可以在WhatsApp進行備份 ... 一、iPhone WhatsApp... · 方法2:透過iCloud 實現... · 方法3: 使用iTunes 備份...